Aging and Long-term Care

elderly woman being pushed in a wheelchair in a field with the sun shining

Health resources for those over 65

As an older adult, you have specific health needs. If you or your family need help finding care, you’ll find resources here for:
  • Assisted living, extended care, and home care facilities
  • Health screenings and counseling
  • Medicare savings programs and financial assistance
  • Aging and respite services
  • Memory care
  • Advocacy services for older adults

Age Comfortably 

As you grow older, your list of needs will likely grow as well. Maybe you’ll require more health services, financial help, or transportation assistance. Connecticut can help you meet these needs.

Health Insurance

group of women walking

Care at Every Age

CT offers many options to help adults over 65 afford health care, long-term care insurance, and other services. Find a program that meets your needs and budget.

Housing and Home Care

elderly man in blue shirt with practitioner in white shirt helping with medication

Peace of mind with long-term care

Quality of life is a top priority for seniors living with long-term care. Visit these CT programs to learn about your options.
  • Home Care 
    The Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders lets CT residents continue living at home instead of going to a nursing home.
  • Assisted Living 
    CT offers extra help for residents who need support to live at home or in a community living center.
  • Resident Rights 
    Nursing homes are required by law to allow residents to participate in their care and treat them with dignity and respect.

Aging & Disability

elderly man with baby

Services for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

As we age, it can sometimes be difficult to do the things we used to do. Find help with assisted living, rehabilitation, and assistive technology programs.

Memory Care

elderly men playing chess

Dementia and Memory Care

Adults over 65 with memory conditions often need assistance with eating and grooming, mobility, meal prep, and financial management.
  • Aging Resource Centers 
    Let us connect you to benefits, screening, and counseling, and care transitions.
  • Respite care 
    The Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program gives relief to caregivers.
  • Memory care 
    Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. It is not a part of normal aging.

Maintaining Mobility

Staying active is one of the keys to aging successfully. Regular activity can prevent loss of muscle and strength and decrease the risk of falls and fractures.